Plastex Skellefteå is recruiting a new order / production planner

Plastex Skellefteå rekryterar ny order/produktionsplanerare
New order / production planner at Plastex Skellefteå will be Jan-Erik "Janne" Burström. This is the result of the recruitment process that took place during the autumn.

Expectations for Janne Burström are high. Plastex has undergone strong development in recent years, which means that increasingly higher demands are placed on efficient and problem-free production. Plastex’s offer has also been broadened to include both extruded and injection molded products.

– Finding the right order/production planner is important to us. Janne’s personality, long experience and broad competence make him very suitable to shoulder the important role at Plastex Skellefteå. We are very satisfied with the recruitment, says CEO David Burén.

Plastex also has a very good reputation as a manufacturer, as for many years it has been at the top in Sweden in terms of delivery reliability, something that does not scare Janne Burström, who most recently came from a similar role at Nordic Light.

– It feels great fun to have a key role in the business. Plastex has a good reputation and recognized skilled. I am really looking forward to working closely with all levels of the business and taking overall responsibility for orders and production planning. However, it is my first day today, so the next point is to take and organize my first coffee break, Janne concludes with a laugh.

Janne Burström started his new role on 1 October 2021

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